Leung Ting Wing Tsun Kung Fu Books and DVDs (2025)

Leung Ting Wing Tsun Kung Fu Books and DVDs (1)

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Leung Ting Wing Tsun Kung Fu Books and DVDs (4)

BOOK: Leung Ting - Wing Tsun Kuen

Our Price: $69.00

Sale Price: $52.00

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BOOK: Leung Ting - Teach yourself Dynamic Wing Tsun - Renewal Edition II

Our Price: $25.00

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BOOK: Leung Ting - Siu Nim Tau: Set,Theory, Mottoes and Applications

Our Price: $25.00

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BOOK: Leung Ting - Chum Kiu: The Intermediate Wing Tsun Kungfu Set

Our Price: $25.00

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BOOK: Leung Ting - Biu Tze: The Thrusting Fingers Set of Wing Tsun

Our Price: $25.00

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BOOK: Leung Ting - Wing Tsun Chi-Sau

Our Price: $25.00

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BOOK: Leung Ting - Wing Tsun Chi-Sau (Section 2)

Our Price: $24.00

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BOOK: Leung Ting - Wing Tsun Chi-Sau (Section 3 and 4)

Our Price: $24.00

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BOOK: Leung Ting - Wing Tsun Chi-Sau (Section 5 and 7)

Our Price: $25.00

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BOOK: Leung Ting - 116 Wooden Dummy Techniques

Our Price: $28.00

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DOWNLOAD: Leung Ting - Wing Tsun - Correct or Incorrect (Right, Wrong, and Why)

Download Price $15.99

You save $39.00!


Continued from the Top:

Professor Leung Ting is the Permanent President and only Grandmaster of the International Wing Tsun Association. Academically, he was a graduate of the Hong Kong Baptist College and obtained his Bachelor Degree in Chinese & English Literature in 1973. On account of his success in the development of the Wing Tsun System and propagating it worldwide, he was conferred in 1979 the title of Doctor of Philosophy in the USA. Then in August 1997, he was appointed by the National Sport Academy of Bulgaria as the "Guest Professor of Combat Arts".

Professor Leung is a Wing Tsun enthusiast and started learning the technique at the young age of 13. At the age of 20, he was accepted by Great Grandmaster Yip Man (who was also the teacher of Bruce Lee) as his "Closed Door Student". Leung Ting devoted his lifetime's energy to developing Wing Tsun Kung Fu. At present, the International Wing Tsun Association he founded has been expanded into a worldwide martial art organization with branches located in 63 countries. The Association is regarded as the largest professional Kung Fu establishment in the world.

The Wing Tsun King Fu system developed by Professor Leung is practiced worldwide by tens of thousands of martial arts practitioners, many of whom were already martial arts instructors themselves before they took on Wing Tsun. These include instructors of the army and security Special Forces in a number of countries, such as the FBI and Marine Corps in the USA, SEK and GSG9 in Germany, GIP in Luxembourg, RAID in France, NOCS in Italy, the Indian Anti-Terrorist Squad and special police units in Belgium, Austria and Spain, to name just a few. A good number of these practitioners are experts from other martial art schools. Some of them are instructors holding high Dan (grading), while others have won titles as National Champions, runners-up, and even World Champions in various international martial arts tournaments.

Professor Leung was also a famous Kung Fu film technical director. Since 1976, he has designed and directed 24 TV Kung Fu series and six movies. Because of his rich knowledge in martial arts and Chinese culture, Professor Leung's expertise has been very much sought after by producers in the TV industry, and he has been a consultant to a number of TV production companies, both local and international, producing programs and documentaries on topics relating to Kung Fu, Chi Kung and some of the Chinese paranormal performances such as street magic and swindler's tricks. Professor Leung was also the first Chinese invited to direct Kung Fu movies in India. During 1998 and 1999, he visited India twice to teach the special police at the National Police Academy of India. While he was in the country, he was invited to direct the Kung Fu movie Master in Bombay and cities of South India. At present, Professor Leung is planning a 30-episode Kung Fu series called The King of Wing Tsun, which is a dramatic story on Dr Leung Jan, the King of Wing Tsun Kung Fu in the Qing Dynasty.

In 1978 Professor Leung released his first book on the Wing Tsun King Fu system. The first print of the book sold out within four months, which led to thousands of letters from over the world enquiring about the reprint. The overwhelming reaction prompted Professor Leung to devote more time to writing more Kung Fu books, not only on Wing Tsun, but also on other styles of Chinese Kung Fu. Up to now, Professor Leung has published more than 50 works, including books and videotapes, on WingTsun and other Kung Fu systems. Most of his works are published in both English and Chinese versions, with a few of the works on Wing Tsun also translated into German, Italian, Spanish, Hungarian and Slavonic.

Biography Courtesy of the Leung Ting Company.

Leung Ting Wing Tsun Kung Fu Books and DVDs (2025)
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